If you’re looking to enroll in Medicare during open enrollment, you might want to think about reading through these quick tips first. These tips are especially helpful for this looking to enroll for the first time and might have a lot of questions about how to do so properly. If you’re looking for answers to your questions, trying reading through these tips for how to correctly purchase individual health insurance and understand Medicare benefits.
1. Make sure to enroll ASAP
One of the biggest mistakes people make it waiting too long to apply and get enrolled. You can begin the process three months before you turn 65 (woo!) and you can enroll either online or in person. Before you apply, though, it’s smart to read through different resources to better understand what Medicare is and how it works. You should begin looking for information on Medicare 3-4 months before you plan on applying during open enrollment.
2. Understand each of the different Medicare plans
As with many different kinds of health care plans, you need to read through the different options to understand which ones apply to you and which you think are necessary for your health. For example, there is Plan A (which covers medical facilities) and then Plan D, which covers prescription drugs, which are otherwise not covered by other plans. Some plans also require you have Plan A and B and are meant to help cover gaps in coverage. Make sure you understand these differences so that you choose the right plans that affect you and your health.
3. Phone a friend
When in doubt, call up a loved one such as a family member or a friend and ask them to help you understand Medicare and what parts they think apply to you. You can go through and read many different online resources that explain Medicare, but talking to someone who has already gone through open enrollment it can be of greater value.
4. Don’t stress!
It might seem like a stressful situation to be in, and you want to make sure you choose the right coverage, but there’s no need to worry. Insurance benefits are important to have and choosing the right supplemental health care is also vital to each person’s overall health. However, there are several people available to help you with this decision and aid in the process. Once you start understanding the different components of Medicare plans, open enrollment will be a breeze.